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Welcome, Students!

We now have one place for all studio details and updates! Below you will find our studio calendar, and more details about some of the opportunities we have coming up! As always, reach out to me for any questions you have. Email me anytime at



RSVP for the next Group Make-up Sessions
(Private Lesson Students Only)


RSVP for the next Group Week Sessions
(ALL students in my studio)

Image by Mohamed Razeen

Corryne's Studio Calendar

Click HERE to view and download Corryne's Studio Calendar. Calendar items are always subject to change, but it is my intention to keep to this schedule. My studio calendar includes school events and opportunities that pertain to my studio for the Spring and Summer of 2024. I will try to keep it updated should there be any additional events or school activities. Please contact me if you have any questions. 

Student Policies

Click HERE to view the Market Street Music Conservatory Student Policies 

Group Makeups for Private Lessons

Group Make Up Classes will be scheduled in advance and the dates are located on the studio calendar.

It will be the student's/parent's responsibility to notify the teacher of their interest in attending the Group Make Up Class. PLEASE NOTIFY THE INSTRUCTOR ONE WEEK PRIOR TO THE SCHEDULED MAKEUP YOU WOULD LIKE TO ATTEND. Those who have missed one or more private lesson(s) qualify to attend (one missed private lesson = one group make up lesson). These are scheduled in advance and dates are available on the studio calendar. Each group make up lasts one hour and takes the place of one lesson the student has missed. Needed makeups do not expire! So if you qualify, and you have a lesson to makeup, you're welcome to attend. Please contact your instructor if you have further questions.

Group Week (for lessons and classes)

Corryne's studio participates in what we at MSMC call, "Group Week." Group week is a time for students in similar age groups to meet, perform, collaborate, and learn together. Group sessions are a wonderful time to cover additional music and performance topics. We may learn more about music theory, group performance, have a Q&A session, or share thoughts and ideas about what we’ve learned from singing or playing our instrument. I will notify students of the topic and/or how to prepare for group week prior to the scheduled session. Group Week takes the place of one private lesson for that week. Group Weeks are scheduled in advance and the dates are available on the studio calendar. 

Performance Master Class for Private Lessons

Master Classes are a performance opportunity and group session with live teacher feedback following each performance. Students will prepare one piece, and will perform for each other. After each performance, students will receive live feedback provided by a member of our faculty. This is a time for students to support one another and a great time to learn from the feedback they receive and the feedback other students receive. This is a great time to talk about music, learn how to observe a musical piece and apply the necessary changes from the feedback of the faculty. Plus, it’s an additional opportunity to perform and master your piece. The Master Classes are another form of our Group Weeks and would take the place of one private lesson for that week. Master Class participation is totally optional, and are scheduled in advance and available on the studio calendar

Zoom Lessons

Our instructors offer lessons via Zoom. Whether you live far away, are traveling, under the weather, or we're experiencing inclement weather, Zoom is a great option for all students! Corryne's studio may switch to Zoom Lessons when Marion schools are closed due to weather. You will be notified if your lesson or class is switched to Zoom due to weather. If you are needing to use Zoom for your lesson, we please ask for 24 hours notice so we can get it scheduled and be sure the proper equipment is setup/available. 


To ensure that we have a great virtual lesson, be sure to have a pair of headphones ready and then go to your audio settings and be sure to turn on "Sound for Musicians." 

The video below is a great resource! Minute marker 5:20 for setting up for iPhone, and minute 7:20 for setting up your audio on an iPad. 

Have any other questions about Market Street Music Conservatory? Visit our Frequently Asked Questions page!

In the Spotlight
Enroll for fall.png

Contact Us


(618) 364-3486

(Leave us a message)


(618) 751-0925



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