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Piano Classes & Lessons at Market Street Music Conservatory



Market Street Music Conservatory offers piano lessons to players of all ages and skill levels. We offer Pre-Piano classes for young beginners and Group Classes for adult beginners. We offer private lessons to students ages 6 and older.


Piano instruction fosters a lifelong love of piano playing by emphasizing proper technique, expression, note reading, rhythms, theory and improvisation all within the setting you prefer, private or group instruction.


Group Classes:


Group piano classes are offered to students of all ages in our piano lab. Classes will include a variety of learning experiences such as theory, harmonization, technique, playing by ear, sight reading, improvisation, as well as, solo and ensemble playing.


Market Street Music Conservatory's piano lab is well-equipped with full-sized keyboards and headphones to ensure one-on-one instruction with the teacher as well as enriching group experiences.


Piano Lab Schedule: 

Adult Piano Class:

Tuesdays, 6:00PM-7:00PM


Youth Piano Lab:

Wednesdays, 5:00PM-6:00PM

Thursdays, 5:30PM-6:30PM

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Girl Practicing Piano


Pre-piano classes are offered for ages 4-6. Students will experience a comprehensive approach to musical learning while using the piano. This traditional approach emphasizes note reading, rhythm, creative expression, and activities and games on and off the bench. 



Other Days/Times TBD

Music Makers At the Keyboard

This  group piano teaching method for young beginners features a variety of activities which lay the foundation for keyboard success. The program features an aural approach to music learning and teaching piano, building on songs children have come to love. This provides a natural pathway to reading music while building a much-loved piano repertoire.


Private Lessons:

Private lessons are offered for 30, 45, or 60 minutes lengths.  (Approval and recommendation from instructor is needed for 45 and 60 minutes). 


Lessons are available for in-person or Zoom.


In addition to weekly private lessons, the study plan also includes regular group classes each quarter.  All students (not including Zoom students) will participate in group lessons. During group weeks the group class will take the place of the private lesson. See the calendar for group lesson weeks. Times will be scheduled by the instructor. The classes are grouped by students of similar age and/or level and provide a social environment for group activities that include music theory related games, ear training, ensemble playing, rhythm activities and creative expression.  

Students will also have opportunity to perform for each other in an informal setting.  There is no additional charge for extra time on group weeks.

Meet Piano Instructor

"It is my goal that each of my students develop, not only the skills needed to be an accomplished pianist, but most importantly, to develop a love of music that will be with them for a lifetime." - April Camden Mitter


April Camden Mitter is the Director of Market Street Music Conservatory and has over 30 years of musical and teaching experience. She has taught private, group and early childhood music at Northwestern University Music Academy and more recently at Wheaton College Community School of the Arts. Active as an adjudicator, accompanist and performer, Mrs.

Mitter has also served as worship musician in many churches. Continue to read her bio here. 




Jubilee Crotser

Meet Piano Instructor

Jubilee's method of teaching is targeted toward the learning style of each individual student. Possibilities include musical games, memory queues, individualized theory instruction, musical movement activities and more.

Jubilee Crotser grew up in a family comprised of music enthusiasts. All seven of Jubilee's siblings play strings and keyboard. Jubilee has played violin since the age of five, with instruction in the Suzuki method from Tinge Studios.

Previous experience has included instruction for parochial schools. For three years, Jubilee taught private and group lessons at Thompsonville Christian Academy and Shawnee Hills Christian Academy; also fulfilling the roll of assistant teacher at Tinge Studios.

Read more of her bio here.

Jubilee also teaches piano at Market Street Music Conservatory!



Rachel Scholes

Meet Piano Instructor

Rachel Scholes has been involved in music since the age of five, when she began taking piano lessons. As a child, she sang in the church choir and played the clarinet in band. She also was involved in musicals and choir in high school. Rachel started teaching piano lessons in high school, after shadowing and assisting her own piano teacher.

It was this teacher who heard Rachel sing, during a piano recital rehearsal, and urged Rachel to take voice lessons. Rachel began taking voice lessons in preparation for college scholarship auditions. She found that she was passionate about singing! She graduated from Southern Illinois University Edwardsville with a bachelor’s degree in music education, in 2003. 

Read more of her bio here.


Rachel also teaches Treble Tones, Pre-Piano, and Voice at Market Street Music Conservatory.



Pricing (one to one)

$30.00 / 30 minutes

Private Lesson times are worked out with the instructor, and scheduled once a week and payments are made monthly. We offer private lessons in 30, 45, and 60 minute sessions. 

A one-time consultation fee of $25 will be due to the first lesson/consultation.

Pricing for Group Classes

$25.00 / 60 minute Class

Classes meet once a week, and payments are made monthly.

Piano Keys

Take the next step and call (618) 364-3486 (Leave us a message) now to grab a great lesson time as space is limited. Or you can email us to sign-up, or just to request more info. 


Ready to enroll? Send us a message to get the process started!

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